šŸŒæ Budding glossary

Content Types

planted on in: DigitalGarden.
~184 words, about a 1 min read.

In converting PhotoGabble into a Digital Garden from being a traditional Blog with taxonomy made up of Categories I have settled
upon a few distinct content types:

  • Essays, longform ideas that I am invested in
  • Noteworthy, interesting things I have found that I want to share
  • Thoughts, quick weakly held ideas on things I haven't fully worked out
  • Tutorials, an attempt at spreading my knowledge
  • Projects, things that I have worked on
  • Glossary, definitions of phrases as I understand and use them
  • /now, a monthly updated list of what I am currently doing

My Bookshelf and /uses pages are an exception to the above, my reading
list is imported from my bookwyrm.social reviews
and the uses page is updated in place as and when I change what technology and devices I use day-to-day.


When PhotoGabble had a Blog structure it was organised around posts belonging to one or more category. Since becoming a Digital Garden,
categories have become Topics which to my mind describes the taxonomy better.

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on January 29, 2023 in commit dc0ceac5 and has since been amended twice. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  2. feat: add mention of new glossary content type
  3. refactor: move content page into glossary