Code snippet sourced from this Wordpress plugin repository, last touched by its author Matt Mullenweg in 2005. This is the second plugin to be written for WordPress as a port of B2BlogTime.php by Sanjay Sheth, a piece of computing history!
Plugin Name: Blogtimes
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin generates a bar graph image showing when posts are made during a period of time. For this to work <code>wp-images/blogtimes.png</code> must be writable by the web server. Original code by Sanjay Sheth of
Author: Matt Mullenweg
Author URI:
Version: 0.2
// Change the defaults to modify anything
function updateBlogTimePNG($dummy = 'placeholder', $saveFile = '', $last_x_days = 30,
$width = 480, $height = 65, $horzpadding = 5, $vertpadding = 5,
$show_ticks = 1, $title = "Blog Post Times") {
if (!$saveFile) $saveFile = ABSPATH . 'wp-images/blogtimes.png';
// constants defining image
$fontheight = ImageFontHeight(2);
$fontwidth = ImageFontWidth(2);
$monthtext = "Last $last_x_days days";
$unitname = "hour of day";
$show_units = 1;
// create the basic image
$im = @ImageCreate ($width, $height)
or die ('Cannot create a new GD image.');
// generate some colors, format: RED, GREEN, BLUE
$white = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255,255,255);
$black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0,0,0);
$beige = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 238,238,238);
$blue = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 102,102,102);
$silver = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0xE0,0xE0,0xE0);
// define what color to use where
$back_color = $white; # this is background of entire image (text & all)
$box_color = $beige; # this is background of just the posts box
$text_color = $black;
$line_color = $blue; # this is color of lines for each post
$border_color = $black;
# query the db and build the list
$posttimes = getPostTimes($last_x_days);
# calculate how many intervals to show
$intervals = floor( ($width / 40) );
if ($intervals >= 24) $i_mod = 1;
else if ($intervals >= 12) $i_mod = 2;
else if ($intervals >= 8) $i_mod = 3;
else if ($intervals >= 6) $i_mod = 4;
else if ($intervals >= 4) $i_mod = 6;
else if ($intervals >= 3) $i_mod = 8;
else if ($intervals >= 2) $i_mod = 16;
else $i_mod = 24;
# fill the image with the background color
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $back_color);
# create a filled rectangle with a solid border
$left = $horzpadding; $right = $width - $horzpadding;
$top = $fontheight + $vertpadding;
$bottom = $height - $vertpadding - $fontheight;
if ($show_units)
$bottom -= $fontheight;
ImageFilledRectangle($im, $left,$top,$right,$bottom, $box_color);
ImageRectangle($im, $left,$top,$right,$bottom, $border_color);
# write title and monthtext
ImageString($im, 2, $left, 0, $title,$text_color);
$txtwidth = strlen($monthtext) * $fontwidth;
ImageString($im, 2, $right - $txtwidth, 0,$monthtext,$text_color);
# add the legend on the bottom
for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i=$i+1)
if ($i % $i_mod == 0) {
$curX = $left + ($right - $left)/24 * $i;
if ($i > 9) {$strX = $curX - 5;}
else {$strX = $curX - 2;}
ImageString($im, 2, $strX , $bottom, $i, $text_color);
if ($show_ticks)
ImageLine($im, $curX, $bottom, $curX, $bottom - 5, $tick_color);
ImageString($im, 2, $right - 5, $bottom, 0, $text_color);
if ($show_units) {
$curX = ($right + $left) / 2 - ($fontwidth * strlen($unitname)/2);
$curY = $bottom + $fontheight + 2;
ImageString($im, 2, $curX, $curY, $unitname, $text_color);
# now we draw the lines for each post
# the post times should be in terms of # of minutes since midnight
$arrcount = count($posttimes);
for ($i = 0; $i < $arrcount; $i++)
# make sure postTime is between 0 and 1439
$curPostTime = abs($posttimes[$i]) % 1440;
# calculate the horz pos inside box
$curX = $left + ($right - $left)/1440 * $curPostTime; # 1440 minutes per day
# draw the post line
ImageLine($im, $curX, $bottom, $curX, $top, $line_color);
# save the file to disk in PNG format
ImagePNG ($im,$saveFile);
# This function will query the db for all the posts in last x days
# and build an array of # of minutes since midnight for each post
function getPostTimes( $last_x_days = 30 ) {
global $wpdb, $tableposts;
$result = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT HOUR(post_date)*60+MINUTE(post_date) AS totmins
FROM $tableposts
WHERE (TO_DAYS(CURRENT_DATE) - TO_DAYS(post_date)) <= $last_x_days
AND post_status = 'publish'
ORDER BY totmins ASC
foreach ($result as $row) {
$postTimes[] = $row->totmins;
return $postTimes;
add_action('publish_post', 'updateBlogTimePNG');