šŸŒ± Seedling noteworthy

2024 Roadmap

planted on in: Blogging and 365 Day Project.
~775 words, about a 4 min read.


After saying goodbye to 2023 I have decided that in order to make the most of my time in 2024 I should plan out how I want to use it; this page will be a Living Document that I update throughout the year as tasks get completed. The idea being that if I ever get stuck for what to work on next I can visit this page and work on filling out the stubs.

What's happening in January

It's currently January and this month I want to start slow, focusing mostly on writing as often as I can but also in a sustainable manor so that I do not burn myself out!

As such I won't be working on any Big projects, I do however intend to deploy an Instagram inspired gallery pages and have my Eleventy.js Interlink Plugin provide a widget for displaying stubs and what pages are linking to them.

While adding images for the Toshiba T5100 page I decided to finally install and use @11ty/eleventy-img. I followed Aleksandr Hovhannisyan's article: Optimizing Images with the 11ty Image Plugin. I should probably update the /changelog/.

I also have three posts from 2023 that I scheduled for publishing but never actually published. In addition to publishing them I also want to finish How to programmatically add tags to posts in 11ty which currently exists as a draft and until commit 4eb9bd7 when I added a display for draft posts I believed this was both finished and published!

What this has flagged is that I need to work on My publishing workflow and look into what tooling I need to implement in order to keep on track!

In my Obsidian vault I have the concept of anchor pages these are fluid foundations for post series and act as a dumping ground of things I would like to look into; they are sometimes useful to share and I would like a new section of this website within which to do so.

Iā€™d like to fit in installing FreshRSS although that might need to happen after Server Setup, Hetzner-Moose and that might not happen until March.

I want to update my Eleventy.js Interlink Plugin to include a filter for parsing Wikilinks within a given string, this will allow it to be used in files that aren't parsed by the Markdown engine.

Key content that I would like to publish:

My Plan for February

I'd like to begin anew on my #365DayProject ideally with some programatic support by way of an 11ty plugin or something. I'd like to be able to add issue and volume front matter to all current and future posts within this project and have a short code that is able to display the project stats and maybe tie into gamification of the whole process. Batch writing is also likely the only way that I will be able to have this happen concurrently to everything else going on.

Off the back of that, and taking inspiration from Juah's post I gamified my own blog I would also like to add an "achievements" page with some bespoke art "medals" for things such as "posted five days in a row", "wrote 10,000 words", etc. Small, fun milestones that should be achievable within the year.

I began writing the tutorial: Building a minimal forum with Laravel and htmx in November 2023 and would like to get it completed by end of February 2024.

Key content that I would like to publish:

Plan for the rest of 2024

This is largely TBD however I have a new intentions for 2024 page where I am planning out the broad strokes of the year.

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on January 2, 2024 in commit 4dadb1b8 and has since been amended twice. View the source on GitHub.

  1. bugfix: typo
  2. update: 2024 Roadmap
  3. publish: first version of 2024 Roadmap