Go Space Mines

Command Line Space Mines Simulator Game ported from BASIC to Go


This is a port to Go of a BASIC strategy/management game called Space Mines. The BASIC code was originally published in 1982 in an Usborne book titled Computer spacegames. In the same year the game was released on tape for the ZX Spectrum 16K, click here for more information and a download link to the Spectrum tape image.

Build using go build and then execute, you will be presented with output like so:

Year 1
There are 47 people in the colony
You have 4 mines and $ 799
Satisfaction Factor  1

Your mines produced  47 tons each
Ore in store: 188 tons
Ore selling price: $ 9 /ton
Mine selling price: $ 3487 /mine
How much ore to sell? 188
How many mines to sell? 1

You have $ 5978

How much to spend on food? (Appr. $100 EA.) 2000
How many more mines to buy? 0

The aim of the game is to survive 10 years in office; the original printed source contains variables for total amount of food and food price. However, it doesn't actually use them.

I have included scanned copies of the original source for page 24 and page 25 of the book this game was published in.

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on February 16, 2022 in commit 8364ca11 and has since been amended 6 times. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  2. chore: add references to computer spacegames book page
  3. chore(#110): sets dates for all projects so that they are ordered chronographically
  4. feat(#108): adds topics to some projects
  5. refactor(#108): moves projects into content collection