2022 Week 47 in Review
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~321 words, about a 2 min read.
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
— Ralph Waldo
Having spent the majority of my free time last week building a windowing system based upon the Win32 API I rediscovered an old C++ City Simulator tutorial by Emily Mansfield that I had started following eight years ago (seems November has a theme...) initially in C++ and then porting it to Golang. This time around I thought I would port it to TypeScript so that I might use its engine with last weeks Windows98 interface to produce something novel.
I quickly ran into performance issues with drawing too many sprites, I managed to optimise my rendering code back to getting close to 60fps, but it vastly dropped off when I began making the map bigger. I might revisit this in the future and refactor it to use an already optimal graphics library so that I can just focus on the gameplay.
Due to the aforementioned issues, I finished the week adding a Sprite Editor (as shown above) to the windowing system I had programmed last week; this was to aid using a sprite sheet I had bought.
Aside from the above hyper focus, this week has been super busy and I honestly didn't have much time to watch videos or read exciting articles. Thus, the below is rather sparse.
Joke of the week
An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, pub, tavern, public house, Irish pub, drinks, beer, alcohol