2023, Week 27 in Review
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~392 words, about a 2 min read.
This week has been spent between the postmortem of a huge deployment at work and my rebuilding of The Kabal Invasion project. While working on rebuilding TKI I stumbled upon Steem Nova a rebuild of 2Moons . The game has similarities to TKI which itself is a fork of BlackNova Traders ; except unlike TKI and BNT in Steem Nova the player remains on a planet, and sends fleets of ships to explore the universe and do their bidding at distance.
One thing I do enjoy about finding source code of these games is seeing how different programmers solved the same or similar problems; they are also great sources of inspiration for game mechanics that I might want to include in future games.
Joke of the week
Notable Articles Read
- Kaarel Moppel: TIL - IN is not the same as ANY
- Cassidy James Blaede: Mastodon-powered Blog Comments
- Another Angry Woman: Scams upon scams: The data-driven advertising grift
Notable Videos Watched
Cool things from around the internet
- Cassidy James Blaede: Mastodon-powered Blog Comments
- Another Angry Woman: Scams upon scams: The data-driven advertising grift
- ITNX: Conquest 4000, a game based on TradeWars 2002
- Worlds Apart, Trade Wars 2002 game server
- WyeSoft, TradeWars 2002 server
- Lorenzo: Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Buy a Used Spaceship a cool looking point and click adventure game with a cartoon aesthetic. Found via RamΓ³n Wilhelm
- Femo Duo Entertainment: Enclosure 3-D on Steam , a text-parser graphic adventure game inspired by classics of the genre and horror movies of the 80s. Found via @mausimus
- DOS Days: A 286 Running Like a 386