🌳 Evergreen thought

2023, Week 27 in Review

planted on in: Week In Review.
~392 words, about a 2 min read.


This week has been spent between the postmortem of a huge deployment at work and my rebuilding of The Kabal Invasion project. While working on rebuilding TKI I stumbled upon Steem Nova a rebuild of 2Moons . The game has similarities to TKI which itself is a fork of BlackNova Traders ; except unlike TKI and BNT in Steem Nova the player remains on a planet, and sends fleets of ships to explore the universe and do their bidding at distance.

One thing I do enjoy about finding source code of these games is seeing how different programmers solved the same or similar problems; they are also great sources of inspiration for game mechanics that I might want to include in future games.

Joke of the week

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Page History

This page was first added to the repository on July 17, 2023 in commit abf883df and has since been amended twice. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor: reorder week in review due to missed week in 2023
  2. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  3. publish: 2023, week 26 in review