🌳 Evergreen thought

2023, Week 30 in Review

planted on in: Week In Review.
~401 words, about a 2 min read.

This week was spent at Butlins with family on holiday therefore I was almost entirely disconnected from the internet except from a few hours spread over the week when I mostly browsed cool things people where sharing on Discord.

Work on rebuilding The Kabal Invasion had been paused last week and will likely not resume until after next week as I would like to work on this website a little and ideally get the lists functionality completed that I began in the background a few weeks back.

The list functionality itself was quite easy to write, it has however lead me down the Rabbit Hole of refactoring the nearly 1000 lines of my links.js data file into separate bookmark .md files each with appropriate notes as to why I have bookmarked them. I have been able to get half the work done so far, I might launch with it half done as it's a blocker on getting other things completed and does not negatively impact the website as a whole if I keep the original blogroll page in place for the time being.

As part of my research for my yet to be published essay: Where did all the Webrings go? I discovered the XXIIVV Web Ring and subsequently added a link to it in the footer of all my pages. That was over a year ago, so it is about time I opened a PR on the XXIIVV project to add PhotoGabble to the Web Ring's index officially. I opened that last week, but I don't expect it to be merged before I get home from Holiday.

Joke of the week

Cool things from around the internet

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on August 2, 2023 in commit cafa4d7f and has since been amended twice. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor: reorder week in review due to missed week in 2023
  2. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  3. publish: 2023, Week 29 in Review