šŸŒ³ Evergreen thought

2024, Week 1 in Review

planted on in: Week In Review and Small Web.
~617 words, about a 4 min read.

It's a fresh week, a New Year and like many office workers in the UK I am back to work after almost two weeks leave.

This week I read a few peoples end of year reviews: John Wargo's 2023 wrap up, Cassidy William's Bye Bye 2023 and Jeremy Keith's 2023 in numbers to name but a few that stood out; this prompted me to write my own goodbye to 2023 which I think few people will read but might be interesting to my future self some day.

This year I have jumped into the #SmallWeb with both feet and ended up in multiple hours long Digital Spelunking sessions that have resulted in expanding my button board several times over. While not as extensive as some 88x31 Button Collections I have realised that I am quite the Digital Magpie, if your website has a 88x31 button I find pretty I will not be able to resist adding it to my button board.

Around this time last year I stumbled upon Brandur's website and really liked their homepage layout displaying a single photo from their gallery, I'm unsure if its sourced from their Sequences project but I felt inspired by both ideas and would like to add similar to my website.

PhotoGabble started as a photo gallery and portfolio website for my university entrance submission, therefore adding a photography section will be a homage to the domains roots.

Continuing on the theme of photography and inspired by Rob Allan's 2023 in pictures i'd like to be able to write my own "year in pictures" at the end of 2024; having a small yet manageable photography projects like Brandur's Sequences might be the way to go.

Seems it might be time to dust off my dSLR and begin taking some snaps!

Joke of the week

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Page History

This page was first added to the repository on January 13, 2024 in commit bafd2120 and has since been amended once. View the source on GitHub.

  1. chore: IDE added new line
  2. publish: 2024, Week 1 in Review