🌱 Seedling thought

6 of 365, Green fingers

planted on in: 365 day writing project and 365DayProject.
~304 words, about a 2 min read.

This is day six of my attempt to write something, anything, every day for 365 days in a row.

When we moved into our house the one part that I was most excited about was being able to work on the garden. It's not a large overwhelming space at just eight meters by five, but it is ours and mine to do what I want with.

Nearly four years later and aside from having dug up, levelled off and seeded a lawn very little else has actually changed. We did manage last year (2018) to grow a number of bean, potato, carrot, chilli, tomato and courgette plants however even now as I look outside the pots are untouched with the dead, rotting remains of that effort mocking me.

Honestly it was mostly my wife Debbie's effort that prompted such a bountiful harvest, and we would both like to repeat the success together this year. Taking what we learnt from this previous attempt we will be growing courgette, chilli and tomato plants again, but we are unsure what else to grow.

Now that our little one is older she will be making more use of the garden as the days get both longer and warmer. Therefore, it would be nice to, in addition to the vegetables, have the area looking nice, so we can all spend time enjoying it as a family.

Neither myself, nor Debbie have too much imagination for landscape gardening. This is probably what has contributed to nothing much happening to the garden in the past four years. However, this year we are going to make a joint effort to make the space look nice as it's bigger than anywhere else in our home and very much under-utilised.

Roll on Spring, so we can begin planting some nice vegetables.


Page History

This page was first added to the repository on August 1, 2023 in commit dc21b13c and has since been amended once. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  2. feat: add legacy 365 project posts from 2019