2023, Week 23 in Review
planted on in: Week In Review.
~326 words, about a 2 min read.
A few weeks back in my 2023, Week 19 in Review I mentioned that I was looking forward to watching Frances Buontempo's lecture What is a random number and why should I care?. It would appear that the ACCU Conference YouTube channel have begun releasing the videos from this Aprils conference over the past two weeks at a rate of one a day. Frances' lecture isn't yet live but I should be able to watch it soon.
This week has been almost entirely consumed by a big deployment at work of a project that has been three years in the making. It unfortunately once again hit a roadblock with a bug in an upstream service this new feature depends upon and so after a marathon week it's culminated in a sense of frustration and deflation. So close, and yet.
Joke of the week
Notable Articles Read
Notable Videos Watched
- serpentza: China is planting Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars - No, Really
- LEGO Great Ball Contraption at BrickCon 2022