🌳 Evergreen thought

2023, Week 29 in Review

planted on in: Week In Review.
~511 words, about a 3 min read.

This week has been comparably quieter than the last few; the data from before the big deployment has mostly filtered through and now the deployed system is behaving as expected and will do so for the foreseeable future. This is also do to our adding some self-healing capability to it that should have arguably been there for the start but hindsight is 20/20.

Outside of work I have been working on PhotoGabble a little, mostly in a new release for my 11ty Interlinker Plugin to fix a bug where it would default to parsing the embed template with both liquid and then markdown-it which would result in inline elements getting wrapped in <p> tags. This isn't the behaviour wanted when your embed is a link, like with what I do for the notable articles and cool things from around the internet, which are embeds of bookmark pages to show just their title as a link.

I haven't done as much work towards rebuilding The Kabal Invasion, I have got it to the point where 80% of the code is refactored, and now I have the option of continuing with a direct port or making my fork distinct and adding functionality I had programmed for Space Mines. Doing a direct port will mean more work later when I do go about adding my own functionality, I am strongly considering renaming this from TKI to Space Mines and using the code as it stands as a springboard for my own game.

Joke of the week

Notable Articles Read

Notable Videos Watched

Cool things from around the internet

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on July 22, 2023 in commit a4f98df7 and has since been amended 3 times. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor: reorder week in review due to missed week in 2023
  2. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  3. publish: 2023, Week 28 in Review
  4. wip: content for 2023, week 28 in review