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Getting Laminas HttpHandlerRunner to play nice with PHPUnit

planted on in: PHP.
~735 words, about a 4 min read.


At the beginning of this month I de-mothballed both my PHP microfamework: Tuppence project and the related Tuppence Boilerplate Project. In doing so started encountering the Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter class throwing a EmitterException when invoked within PHPUnit:

Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Exception\EmitterException : Unable to emit response; headers already sent in /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Printer.php:138

This doesn't happen when the route being tested is run from a browser which makes me suspect that this is picking up PHPUnit's command line output.


Looking into the stack trace I could see that the EmitterException was being thrown by SapiEmitterTrait::assertNoPreviousOutput() and quick look inside that function we can see it uses headers_sent to check if headers have already been sent, throwing the exception if so.

echo "Hello world".PHP_EOL;

// Outputs:
// bool(false)
// Hello World
// bool(true)

PHPUnit always outputs its version before running your tests, and it's this that is causing headers_sent to return true.


The minimalist solution is to replace the SapiEmitter being used in your tests for a TestEmitter that implements the same EmitterInterface but doesn't do all the checks that break in a test environment. A benefit of using your own TestEmitter is that you can obtain the response and run assertions in your tests.


namespace App\Tests;

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterInterface;

class TestEmitter implements EmitterInterface
private ResponseInterface $response;

public function emit(ResponseInterface $response): bool
$this->response = $response;
return true;
public function getResponse(): ResponseInterface
return $this->response;

I use this within the Tuppence Boilerplate inside its BootsApp extension of TestCase this then lets me provide a couple of helpful assertions akin to those seen in Laravel:

class BootsApp extends TestCase 
// ...

protected function runRequest(ServerRequest $request): string
return (string)$this->emitter->getResponse()->getBody();

protected function assertResponseOk(): void

protected function assertResponseCodeEquals($code = 200): void
Page History

This page was first added to the repository on February 28, 2023 in commit 7ddb066c and has since been amended once. View the source on GitHub.

  1. refactor(#304): move files into src folder
  2. feat: publish Getting Laminas HttpHandlerRunner to play nice with PHPUnit